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2021 | Twitch | The Beginnings...

10th Nov '21 1st Live Stream.
15th Dec '21 100 Followers.

15th Dec '21 Twitch Affiliate!
18th Dec '21 1st Affiliate Party | ortoPilot raid (890)
19th Dec '21 1st 100 Subscribers!

22nd Dec '21 250 Followers.

I started live streaming on Twitch on Weds 10th November 2021.

A month later I made Twitch Affiliate. 

My first Affiliate Stream was on Dec 18th 2021, where I got a huge raid from the mighty ortoPilot (890). Thank you!


2022 | 1st Full Year on Twitch | Front Page Hype!

3rd Jan '22 300 Followers.
10th Jan '22 350 Followers.
24th Jan '22 450 Followers.
31st Jan '22 500 Followers.
18th Feb '22 600 Followers.

2nd Mar '22 Front Page | Carousel "Hero Slot"
3rd Mar '22 800 Followers

29th Mar-29th Apr. Front Page (30 days)
30th Mar '22 900 Followers
6th Apr '22 1k Followers!
17th Apr '22 500,000 views!
24th Apr '22 1.5k Followers
27th Apr '22 1.6k Followers
11th May '22 1.7k Followers
6th June '22 1.8k Followers
11th July '22 1.9k Followers

10th Aug '22 2k Followers!
10th Nov '22 1yr Affiliate Party!

9th Dec '22 - 11th Jan '23 Front Page (Again!)
192 hours on front page carousel
  2,111 new followers gained. Thank You!

24th Dec '22 1.1m views!

First time on the front page carousel was a 2hr "hero slot" from 11pm-1am on 2nd March 2022. I'll never forget it. 

There were endless technical issues all day, right up to the point of the stream starting. Truly terrifying! 

Well over 8,000 people watching me live stream, when I'd only been live streaming on Twitch since November 2021!

I loved every minute of it, and was on a high for ages after! 


2023 | Year 2 | I started 2023 as I finished 2022... on the front page carousel of Twitch!
DEC 12th 2023 - This was also the year I became a Twitch Partner!

Jan 11 2023 3.7m views! Thank You!
Jan 2023 4.3k Followers
Feb 2023 4.6 Followers
June 2023 5k Followers
Aug 2023 5.1k Followers
Sept 2023 5.2k Followers
Oct 2023 5.3k Followers
Dec 2023 5.4k Followers


Dec 12th 2023 Twitch Partner!


🔴🎸2024 | I started January 2024 as a Twitch Partner (and YouTube Partner).
🔴🎸Thank you everybody! 

Jan 2024 5.5k Followers
Mar 2024 5.6k Followers
Apr 2024 5.7k Followers
June 2024 5.8k Followers

Fri 5th July 2024

July 5th 2024 Smashed 6.2k Followers | Twitch Front Page!

24hrs on the Twitch homepage/carousel.
Smashed over 500,000 views, and smashed 6.2k Followers. 

I played 4 streams throughout the day! 

Notable Twitch Raids: 2021-Present | Too many to mention but here are a few! Thank you!

2021 | Dec ortoPilot (890)

2022 | April Spacemanlive (x2) (300, 209)
2022 | July Herman Li (486)
2022 | Aug AndyTheFrenchy (198)
2022 | Sept MrGregles (120)
2022 | Sept ortoPilot (500)

2023 | Jan lara6683 (400)
2023 | Mar spacemanlive (206)
2023 | Mar UltraVioletRiot (92)
2023 | Mar KiaraIRL (119)

2023 | Dec ortoPilot (451)

2023 | NYE spacemanlive (146)

2024 | Feb ortoPilot (541)
2024 | Apr FrankTedesco (283)

2024 | May TheTangerineClub (153)
2024 | Jun SpaceManLive (75)

2024 | July Halocene (326)

2024 | July CERIANmusic (251)